
Hi there!

I'm Robert and I have 30 years of development experience across various technologies and roles.

On these pages, I share little nuggets of wisdom, tricks and sometimes just curiosities that I've learned over the years, related primarily to web development and it's supporting technologies.

I hope you find my content interesting and useful. Follow me on Twitter to get notified when I publish new content.

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Refactoring Journey Part 1: An initial roadmap
Refactoring Journey Part 1: An initial roadmap

The company I work for runs on a legacy system which has been developed over the course of 10 years; under the hood it looks a little like the image above. Development is becoming increasingly difficult so the decision has been made, in order to improve the time to market when developing new features, to migrate the codebase to Laravel. The goal is to rebuild the app from scratch and to move everything to a modern and better organized codebase and, in the process, eliminate a lot of old and crufty code.

   •  6 min read  •  176 views
Benchmarking PHP vs Javascript vs Java
Benchmarking PHP vs Javascript vs Java

PHP has a reputation for being dog slow. But like most of the criticisms leveled at PHP, this opinion may be based on impression from 10 years ago. In this article we benchmark some math-heavy code to see how modern PHP performs when compared to Javascript and Java.

   •  10 min read  •  310 views
A Tale of ChatGPT Failure
A Tale of ChatGPT Failure

Some people insist that tools like ChatGPT will replace software developers. As this example goes to show, for now, we are safe.

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Helping a Junior Developer Succeed
Helping a Junior Developer Succeed

Everyone starts out as a junior developer, it is the natural course of things. Here I explain how experienced developers can help juniors grow and become successful and some pitfals to avoid.

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The best Podcasts to make you smart and keep you well informed
The best Podcasts to make you smart and keep you well informed

I listen to a lot of podcasts. Whether it's in my car or on my occasional walks, I listen to podcasts to keep informed, entertained and to learn new things.

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Piece of Cake: Laravel or CakePHP for your Project?
Piece of Cake: Laravel or CakePHP for your Project?

CakePHP is one of the older, yet still actively developed frameworks. With Laravel being the go-to framework these days, how does CakePHP compare to Laravel and why would you want to use it?

   •  8 min read  •  434 views
Improving your Publishing Workflow with OpenAI Whisper Speech Recognition
Improving your Publishing Workflow with OpenAI Whisper Speech Recognition

Writing a good content takes time and effort. It is however possible to shift some of the effort to AI Software thanks to the easily installable Whisper speech recogntion package.

   •  7 min read  •  444 views
Is AI Intelligent, or is it just very good at pretending?
Is AI Intelligent, or is it just very good at pretending?

The capabilities of recently released AI system such as ChatGPT raises the question of whether such systems really are intelligent or whether they are only good at pretending to be intelligent.